Spring is the Best Time for Replacement Windows in Calgary

Benefits of Replacement Windows in Spring

Now that the warmer weather is here you may be thinking about upgrading to new replacement windows for your home. Many homeowners know that replacement windows offer significant added value to the resale of houses in addition to offering more comfort, aesthetic appeal and lowering energy costs. And with the rising cost of energy, windows can save you more on your utilities than ever before.

Spring is a great time to replace old inefficient windows and there are many benefits for having it done now.

Replacement Window Benefits in Spring

  • Warm Weather - Most replacement window companies in Calgary stop residential home renovations during the coldest months of winter. When the warm weather arrives it provides more daylight hours and better conditions to get the job done faster.
  • Energy Savings - Calgary had an unusually hot summer last year and it seems the climate is bringing longer, more extreme weather conditions each season. Our energy efficient windows are made in CanadaCanadian Maple Leaf icon and greatly insulate your home, reducing energy cost, when compared to older outdated windows in both summer and winter.
  • More Stock Selection - After COVID there has been supply chain issues from manufacturers in most sectors of the economy. Choosing your replacement windows earlier in the year will better ensure that the styles and types of windows you want will be more readily available.
  • Installer Availability - Most window companies get busier as the warm season progresses. You’ll have a better chance of getting new replacement windows when you want them if you order earlier rather than later.
  • Fresh Air - Many homes with antiquated windows have problems when opening and closing the window openings. New windows allow you to let the fresh air in when wanted. Replacement windows are not only attractive and energy efficient but they are also easy to operate and maintain.
  • Flexible Installation Dates - There’s no question that summer is the busiest time for window companies so booking early means that there’s a better chance you can get your replacement windows installed when the time is more convenient for you.
  • Noise Reduction - New replacement windows can offer substantial noise reduction compared to older single-pane windows. When the warm weather arrives more people spend time outdoors and when it’s too loud for your comfort inside, closing your windows will provide a quieter interior in your home.
  • Security - Home invasions tend to go up in the warmer months as homeowners are away more frequently. Replacement windows are more secure, than old windows, and they offer stronger glass and locks.

Our Showroom to Your Door

Call us to help you decide which doors and windows fit your taste and budget.

Simply choose a date and time when you'll be home.

We'll bring everything you need, brochures, pamplets, information and prices to your door at your convenience.

You don't need to leave your home to find the perfect windows and doors!

Calgary (403) 613-3039

Canadian Maple Leaf iconAsk for Windows Made in Alberta for Calgary Weather

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Call UsIt couldn't be more convenient. Simply call us and set a date and time when you'll be home.
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On Our WayWe'll bring everything you'll need to make the best decision and arrive as scheduled.
We'll arrive at your door at your convenience
Showroom to Your DoorWe can help you find everything you want with the best selection and prices.

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Financing for Replacement Windows

0% Financing Available

Simply Yours Windows Doors offers financing for our customers who want to have replacement windows and prefer financing options for payment.

You can have your replacement windows installed right away and pay later.

Pre-approval is quick and easy, simply click on application, fill out the information and click submit.
